Saturday, November 25, 2023

FW: Zoning information



From: Harrison, Jill <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 3:33 PM
Subject: Zoning information




Below is an email from one of my partners, and a link to the zoning map.  Stay in touch!  JIll



Just looked up the property on Arcgis, zoning is RR1 meaning it is intended as a transition zone to extend the urban into the rural, PUD use is currently M1 (duplexes), and C1 (defined below).  I have also emailed Dan Holloway at CFSE to see what, if any, progress was made in re-zoning the property.


Link for Arcgis zoning map:



Commercial District

This district provides for limited commercial facilities, which are to serve as convenient services to a residential neighborhood or limited geographic area of the community. Requires an increased building setback or screening when located adjacent to an "R" District; establishes a maximum gross floor area of 4,000 square feet for single tenant businesses; a maximum gross floor area of 15,000 square feet for multi-tenant structures; with no individual tenant space exceeding 2000 square feet; prohibits outdoor storage and display of goods and merchandise; and, sets a maximum height limit of 35 feet.




Jill Harrison


Interim HealthCare Topeka

1251 SW Arrowhead Rd. Suite 103

Topeka, KS  66604



"We Care, We're there"


Serving Topeka, Manhattan, Lawrence and surrounding communities.