Thursday, November 9, 2023

Subject: City of Topeka Resolution - Real Estate Listing Agreement


Subject: City of Topeka Resolution - Real Estate Listing Agreement

Dear Jim,

I am writing to formally document the agreement we have reached regarding the listing of your real estate in Lauren's Bay within the City of Topeka. We believe that this resolution will facilitate a smooth process for both parties involved.

Background: You, as the Seller, own certain real estate in Lauren's Bay, and we have agreed to enlist the services of realtors affiliated with the Topeka Board of Realtors for the purpose of listing all the lots. The objective is to maintain a one-to-one ratio of agents to listings.

Financial Arrangements: It has been mutually agreed that all proceeds from the sale will be allocated towards settling back taxes and any special assessments associated with the property.

Special Assessment Waiver Conditions: With respect to special assessments, we have established certain conditions under which these fees may be waived:

  1. Year One Waiver: The special assessments for the first year will be waived. This is intended to provide the new owner with the necessary time to formulate plans for construction.
  2. Building Permit Requirement: To qualify for the waiver, the new owner must obtain a valid building permit within the specified timeframe.
  3. Construction Timeline: Construction on the property must be completed within 24 months from the issuance of the building permit.

Should the new owner adhere to these conditions, all special assessments will be forgiven.

This agreement aims to balance the interests of both parties and foster a supportive environment for the successful transfer of ownership and subsequent development of the property.

Please review the terms outlined in this letter, and if they accurately reflect our understanding, kindly sign and return a copy to me. Should you have any questions or require clarification on any point, do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your cooperation, and I look forward to a successful collaboration in achieving our shared goals.