Thursday, June 8, 2017

Shawnee County 2037 Comprehensive Plan Final Open House Announced

(Shawnee County, KS) – The Shawnee County Planning Department, along with the consulting team of RDG Planning & Design and CFS Engineers, is reaching the end of developing a long-range Comprehensive Plan for unincorporated Shawnee County. The plan will guide the County as it makes decisions about the physical development of the county through the next 20 years. Accordingly, it addresses and establishes long-range policy for land use planning, transportation, economic development, housing, public facilities, cultural and natural resources, agricultural land, intergovernmental cooperation, and capital improvement planning.
To share the plan’s findings, objectives, and recommendations, a final public open house will be held Thursday, June 15 at the Big Gage Shelter Housing in Gage Park, 635 SW Gage Boulevard, Topeka from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. The consultants will present the current draft of the plan (available on the project website at, and the rest of the open house will be an opportunity to conversationally react to and discuss the plan. Based on the input in this meeting, the draft plan will be finalized for adoption. Everyone with an interest is invited to attend.
As a “blueprint” for the future of the county, the plan must be based on the desires and vision of the county’s residents because ultimately the plan is created by, owned by, and championed by the community and its members. As a result, the open house will be followed by an adoption process with additional opportunities for comment. Stay tuned with an up-to-date schedule at
For more information about planning in Shawnee County, the Shawnee County 2037 Comprehensive Plan, and public engagement activities, visit the project website or contact Thomas Dow, at